(*) as of ATS-Postiats 0.3.3
some pre-processor defines:
#define CHAR_MAX 127
#define CHAR_MIN ~128
#define UCHAR_MAX 0xFF
"built-in" = "external" = "ext#"
some built-in static boolean constants:
stacst true_bool : bool
stacst false_bool : bool
stacst neg_bool : bool -> bool
stacst add_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stacst mul_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stacst lt_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stacst lte_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stacst gt_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stacst gte_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stacst eq_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stacst neq_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stadef true = true_bool
stadef false = false_bool
stadef ~ = neg_bool
stadef not = neg_bool
stadef + = add_bool_bool
stadef || = add_bool_bool
stadef * = mul_bool_bool
stadef && = mul_bool_bool
stadef < = lt_bool_bool
stadef <= = lte_bool_bool
stadef > = gt_bool_bool
stadef >= = gte_bool_bool
stadef == = eq_bool_bool
stadef != = neq_bool_bool
stadef <> = neq_bool_bool // backward compatibility
built-in static integer constants:
stacst neg_int : (int) -> int
stacst add_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stacst sub_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stacst mul_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stacst div_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stacst ndiv_int_int : (int, int) -> int // positive divisor
stacst idiv_int_int : (int, int) -> int // alias for div_int_int
stacst lt_int_int : (int, int) -> bool
stacst lte_int_int : (int, int) -> bool
stacst gt_int_int : (int, int) -> bool
stacst gte_int_int : (int, int) -> bool
stacst eq_int_int : (int, int) -> bool
stacst neq_int_int : (int, int) -> bool
stacst abs_int : (int) -> int
stacst sgn_int : (int) -> int
stacst max_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stacst min_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stacst ifint_bool_int_int : (bool, int, int) -> int
stadef nmod_int_int (x:int, y:int)
stadef absrel_int_int (x:int, v:int) : bool
stadef sgnrel_int_int (x:int, v:int) : bool
stadef maxrel_int_int_int (x:int, y:int, v:int) : bool
stadef minrel_int_int_int (x:int, y:int, v:int) : bool
stadef nsub (x:int, y:int)
stadef ndivrel_int_int_int (x:int, y:int, q:int) : bool // 0 < y
stadef idivrel_int_int_int (x:int, y:int, q:int) : bool // y != 0
stadef divmodrel_int_int_int_int (x:int, y:int, q:int, r:int) : bool
stadef ifintrel_bool_int_int_int (b:bool, x:int, y:int, r:int) : bool
stadef bool2int (b:bool) : int
stadef int2bool (i:int) : bool
stadef ~ = neg_int
stadef + = add_int_int
stadef - = sub_int_int
stadef * = mul_int_int
stadef / = div_int_int
stadef ndiv = ndiv_int_int
stadef idiv = idiv_int_int
stadef < = lt_int_int
stadef <= = lte_int_int
stadef > = gt_int_int
stadef >= = gte_int_int
stadef == = eq_int_int
stadef != = neq_int_int
stadef <> = neq_int_int // backward compatibility
stadef % = nmod_int_int
stadef mod = nmod_int_int
stadef nmod = nmod_int_int
stadef abs = abs_int
stadef absrel = absrel_int_int
stadef sgn = sgn_int
stadef sgnrel = sgnrel_int_int
stadef max = max_int_int
stadef min = min_int_int
stadef maxrel = maxrel_int_int_int
stadef minrel = minrel_int_int_int
stadef ndivrel = ndivrel_int_int_int
stadef idivrel = idivrel_int_int_int
stadef divmodrel = divmodrel_int_int_int_int
stadef ifint = ifint_bool_int_int
stadef ifintrel = ifintrel_bool_int_int_int
stadef b2i = bool2int
stadef i2b = int2bool
some numeric constants and conversions:
stadef pow2_7 = 128
stadef pow2_8 = 256
stadef pow2_15 = 32768
stadef pow2_16 = 65536
stadef pow2_32 = 0x100000000
stadef pow2_64 = 0x10000000000000000
stadef i2u_int8 (i:int)
stadef u2i_int8 (u:int)
stadef i2u_int16 (i:int)
stadef u2i_int16 (u:int)
stadef i2u8 = i2u_int8
stadef u2i8 = u2i_int8
stadef i2u16 = i2u_int16
stadef u2i16 = u2i_int16
built-in address constants:
stacst null_addr : addr
stacst add_addr_int : (addr, int) -> addr
stacst sub_addr_int : (addr, int) -> addr
stacst sub_addr_addr : (addr, addr) -> int
stacst lt_addr_addr : (addr, addr) -> bool
stacst lte_addr_addr : (addr, addr) -> bool
stacst gt_addr_addr : (addr, addr) -> bool
stacst gte_addr_addr : (addr, addr) -> bool
stacst eq_addr_addr : (addr, addr) -> bool
stacst neq_addr_addr : (addr, addr) -> bool
stacst int_of_addr : addr -> int
stacst addr_of_int : int -> addr
stadef null = null_addr
stadef NULL = null_addr
stadef + = add_addr_int
stadef - = sub_addr_int
stadef - = sub_addr_addr
stadef < = lt_addr_addr
stadef <= = lte_addr_addr
stadef > = gt_addr_addr
stadef >= = gte_addr_addr
stadef == = eq_addr_addr
stadef != = neq_addr_addr
stadef <> = neq_addr_addr // backwards compatibility
stadef a2i = int_of_addr
stadef i2a = addr_of_int
built-in static constants for OOP inheritance support:
stacst lte_cls_cls : (cls, cls) -> bool
stacst gte_cls_cls : (cls, cls) -> bool
stadef lterel_cls_cls (c1:cls, c2:cls, ltrel_cls_cls_res:bool) : bool
stadef gterel_cls_cls (c1:cls, c2:cls, gtrel_cls_cls_res:bool) : bool
stadef <= = lte_cls_cls
stadef >= = gte_cls_cls
built-in sizeof
stacst sizeof_t0ype_int : t@ype -> int
stadef sizeof (a:viewt@ype) : int
subset sorts for integers and addresses:
sortdef nat = { i:int | 0 <= i }
sortdef pos = { i:int | 0 < i }
sortdef neg = { i:int | i < 0 }
sortdef npos = { i:int | i <= 0 }
sortdef nat1 = { n:nat | n < 1 }
sortdef nat2 = { n:nat | n < 2 }
sortdef nat3 = { n:nat | n < 3 }
sortdef nat4 = { n:nat | n < 4 }
sortdef sgn = { i:int | ~1 <= i; i <= 1 }
sortdef agz = { l:addr | null < l }
sortdef agez = { l:addr | null <= l }
sortdef alez = { l:addr | l <= null }
effect static constants:
stacst effnil : eff // nothing
stacst effall : eff // everything
stacst effntm : eff // nonterm
stacst effref : eff // reference
stacst effwrt : eff // writeover
stacst add_eff_eff : (eff, eff) -> eff // union of effsets
stacst sub_eff_eff : (eff, eff) -> eff // difference of effsets
stadef + = add_eff_eff
stadef - = sub_eff_eff
overloaded symbols:
symintr ~ not
symintr + - * / % mod ndiv nmod
symintr < <= > >= = == != <> compare
symintr isltz isltez isgtz isgtez iseqz isneqz
symintr neg abs max min
symintr succ pred half double
symintr square sqrt cube cbrt pow
symintr ! [] // deref, subscript
symintr << >> // left/right-shift
symintr ++ -- inc dec
symintr get set exch
symintr getinc setinc exchinc
symintr decget decset decexch
symintr !++ --! // getinc, decget
symintr =++ --= // setinc, decset
symintr assert
symintr encode decode
symintr uncons unsome
symintr ptrcast // address of a boxed value
symintr g0ofg1 g1ofg0 // cast indexed/un-indexed
symintr copy free length
symintr print prerr fprint gprint
symintr println prerrln fprintln gprintln
symintr ofstring ofstrptr
symintr tostring tostrptr
dot-notation overloading:
symintr .size
symintr .len .length
symintr .get .set .exch
symintr .nrow .ncol
symintr .head .tail
symintr .next .prev
symintr .init .last
symintr .eval // convention: using `!`
for template args:
abstype atskind_type (tk:tkind)
abst@ype atskind_t0ype (tk:tkind)
typedef tkind_type (tk:tkind) = atskind_type tk
typedef tkind_t0ype (tk:tkind) = atskind_t0ype tk
other stuff (FIXME):
absview at_vt0ype_addr_view (a:viewt@ype+, l:addr)
viewdef @ (a:viewt@ype, l:addr) // @ infix
abst@ype clo_t0ype_t0ype (a:t@ype)
absviewt@ype clo_vt0ype_vtt0ype (a:viewt@ype)
viewtypedef READ (a:viewt@ype)
viewtypedef WRITE (a:viewt@ype)
absprop invar_prop_prop (a:prop)
absview invar_view_view (a:view)
abst@ype invar_t0ype_t0ype (a:t@ype)
absviewt@ype invar_vt0ype_vt0ype (a:viewt@ype)
// order is significant for the following:
viewdef INV (a:view) = invar_view_view a
propdef INV (a:prop) = invar_prop_prop a
viewtypedef INV (a:viewt@ype) = invar_vt0ype_vt0ype a
viewtypedef INV (a:t@ype) = invar_t0ype_t0ype a
copy env (something to do with view changes ??? FIXME):
absview vcopyenv_view_view (v:view)
absviewt@ype vcopyenv_vt0ype_vt0ype (vt:viewt@ype)
stadef vcopyenv_v = vcopyenv_view_view
stadef vcopyenv_vt = vcopyenv_vt0ype_vt0ype
abst@ype stamped_t0ype (a:t@ype, int)
absviewt@ype stamped_vt0ype (a:viewt@ype, int)
stadef stamped_t = stamped_t0ype
stadef stamped_vt = stamped_vt0ype
for commenting: read-only -- used in cmpref
#define RD(x) x
alias for tkind
sortdef tk = tkind
and uint8
sortdef int8 = { i:int | ~128 <= i; i < 128 }
sortdef uint8 = { i:int | 0 <= i; i < 256 }
tkindef bool_kind = "atstype_bool"
abst@ype bool_t0ype = tkind_t0ype (bool_kind)
abst@ype bool_bool_t0ype (b:bool) = bool_t0ype
stadef bool = bool_t0ype
stadef bool = bool_bool_t0ype
typedef Bool = [b:bool] bool b
typedef boolLte (b1:bool) = [b2:bool] bool (b2 <= b1)
typedef boolGte (b1:bool) = [b2:bool] bool (b1 <= b2)
abst@ype atstype_bool // internal use
tkindef byte_kind = "atstype_byte"
abst@ype byte_t0ype = tkind_t0ype (byte_kind)
stadef byte = byte_t0ype
typedef bytes (n:int) = @[byte][n]
viewdef bytes_v (l:addr, n:int) = bytes(n)@l
typedef b0ytes (n:int) = @[byte?][n]
viewdef b0ytes_v (l:addr, n:int) = b0ytes(n)@l
tkindef char_kind = "atstype_char"
abst@ype char_t0ype = tkind_t0ype (char_kind)
abst@ype char_int_t0ype (c:int) = char_t0ype
stadef char = char_t0ype
stadef char = char_int_t0ype
typedef Char = [c:int8] char c
typedef charNZ = [c:int8 | c != 0] char c
signed characters:
tkindef schar_kind = "atstype_schar"
abst@ype schar_t0ype = tkind_t0ype (schar_kind)
abst@ype schar_int_t0ype (c:int) = schar_t0ype
stadef schar = schar_t0ype
stadef schar = schar_int_t0ype
typedef sChar = [c:int8] schar c
unsigned characters:
tkindef uchar_kind = "atstype_uchar"
abst@ype uchar_t0ype = tkind_t0ype (uchar_kind)
abst@ype uchar_int_t0ype (c:int) = uchar_t0ype
stadef uchar = uchar_t0ype
stadef uchar = uchar_int_t0ype
typedef uChar = [c:uint8] uchar c
, g1int
, g0uint
, g1uint
abst@ype g0int_t0ype (tk:tkind) = tkind_t0ype tk
stadef g0int = g0int_t0ype
abst@ype g1int_int_t0ype (tk:tkind, int) = g0int (tkind)
stadef g1int = g1int_int_t0ype
typedef g1int (tk:tkind) = [i:int] g1int (tk,i)
typedef g1int0 (tk:tkind) = [i:int | 0 <= i] g1int (tk,i)
typedef g1int1 (tk:tkind) = [i:int | 1 <= i] g1int (tk,i)
typedef g1intLt (tk:tkind, n:int) = [i:int | i < n] g1int (tk,i)
typedef g1intLte (tk:tkind, n:int) = [i:int | i <= n] g1int (tk,i)
typedef g1intGt (tk:tkind, n:int) = [i:int | n < i] g1int (tk,i)
typedef g1intGte (tk:tkind, n:int) = [i:int | n <= i] g1int (tk,i)
typedef g1intBtw (tk:tkind, lb:int, ub:int) = [i:int | lb <= i; i < ub] g1int (tk,i)
typedef g1intBtwe (tk:tkind, lb:int, ub:int) = [i:int | lb <= i; i <= ub] g1int (tk,i)
abst@ype g0uint_t0ype (tk:tkind) = tkind_t0ype tk
stadef g0uint = g0uint_t0ype
abst@ype g1uint_int_t0ype (tk:tkind, int) = g0uint (tkind)
stadef g1uint = g1uint_int_t0ype
typedef g1uint (tk:tkind) = [i:int] g1uint (tk,i)
typedef g1uint0 (tk:tkind) = [i:int | 0 <= i] g1uint (tk,i)
typedef g1uint1 (tk:tkind) = [i:int | 1 <= i] g1uint (tk,i)
typedef g1uintLt (tk:tkind, n:int) = [i:nat | i < n] g1uint (tk,i)
typedef g1uintLte (tk:tkind, n:int) = [i:nat | i <= n] g1uint (tk,i)
typedef g1uintGt (tk:tkind, n:int) = [i:int | n < i] g1uint (tk,i)
typedef g1uintGte (tk:tkind, n:int) = [i:int | n <= i] g1uint (tk,i)
typedef g1uintBtw (tk:tkind, lb:int, ub:int) = [i:int | lb <= i; i < ub] g1uint (tk,i)
typedef g1uintBtwe (tk:tkind, lb:int, ub:int) = [i:int | lb <= i; i <= ub] g1uint (tk,i)
abst@ype g0float_t0ype (tk:tkind) = tkind_t0ype tk
stadef g0float = g0float_t0ype
integers and natural numbers:
tkindef int_kind = "atstype_int"
typedef int0 = g0int (int_kind)
typedef int1 (i:int) = g1int (int_kind, i)
stadef int = int1 // 2nd-select
stadef int = int0 // 1st-select
typedef Int = [i:int] int1 i
typedef Nat = [i:int | 0 <= 0] int1 i
typedef intLt (n:int) = g1intLt (int_kind, n)
typedef intLte (n:int) = g1intLte (int_kind, n)
typedef intGt (n:int) = g1intGt (int_kind, n)
typedef intGte (n:int) = g1intGte (int_kind, n)
typedef intBtw (lb:int, ub:int) = g1intBtw (int_kind, lb, ub)
typedef intBtwe (lb:int, ub:int) = g1intBtwe (int_kind, lb, ub)
typedef Two = intBtw ( 0, 2)
typedef Sgn = intBtwe (~1, 1)
typedef natLt (n:int) = intBtw ( 0, n)
typedef natLte (n:int) = intBtwe ( 0, n)
abst@ype atstype_int // internal use
unsigned integers:
tkindef uint_kind = "atstype_uint"
typedef uint0 = g0uint (uint_kind)
typedef uint1 (n:int) = g1uint (uint_kind, n)
stadef uint = uint1 // 2nd-select
stadef uint = uint0 // 1st-select
typedef uInt = [n:int] uint1 n
typedef uintLt (n:int) = g1uintLt (uint_kind, n)
typedef uintLte (n:int) = g1uintLte (uint_kind, n)
typedef uintGt (n:int) = g1uintGt (uint_kind, n)
typedef uintGte (n:int) = g1uintGte (uint_kind, n)
typedef uintBtw (lb:int, ub:int) = g1uintBtw (uint_kind, lb, ub)
typedef uintBtwe (lb:int, ub:int) = g1uintBtwe (uint_kind, lb, ub)
abst@ype atstype_uint // internal use
long, long long, signed and unsigned integers:
tkindef lint_kind = "atstype_lint"
typedef lint0 = g0int (lint_kind)
typedef lint1 (i:int) = g1int (lint_kind, i)
stadef lint = lint1 // 2nd-select
stadef lint = lint0 // 1st-select
tkindef ulint_kind = "atstype_ulint"
typedef ulint0 = g0uint (ulint_kind)
typedef ulint1 (i:int) = g1uint (ulint_kind, i)
stadef ulint = ulint1 // 2nd-select
stadef ulint = ulint0 // 1st-select
tkindef llint_kind = "atstype_llint"
typedef llint0 = g0int (llint_kind)
typedef llint1 (i:int) = g1int (llint_kind, i)
stadef llint = llint1 // 2nd-select
stadef llint = llint0 // 1st-select
tkindef ullint_kind = "atstype_ullint"
typedef ullint0 = g0uint (ullint_kind)
typedef ullint1 (i:int) = g1uint (ullint_kind, i)
stadef ullint = ullint1 // 2nd-select
stadef ullint = ullint0 // 1st-select
tkindef intptr_kind = "atstype_intptr"
typedef intptr0 = g0int (intptr_kind)
typedef intptr1 (i:int) = g1int (intptr_kind, i)
stadef intptr = intptr1 // 2nd-select
stadef intptr = intptr0 // 1st-select
tkindef uintptr_kind = "atstype_uintptr"
typedef uintptr0 = g0uint (uintptr_kind)
typedef uintptr1 (i:int) = g1uint (uintptr_kind, i)
stadef uintptr = uintptr1 // 2nd-select
stadef uintptr = uintptr0 // 1st-select
short signed and unsigned integers:
tkindef sint_kind = "atstype_sint"
typedef sint0 = g0int (sint_kind)
typedef sint1 (i:int) = g1int (sint_kind, i)
stadef sint = sint1 // 2nd-select
stadef sint = sint0 // 1st-select
tkindef usint_kind = "atstype_usint"
typedef usint0 = g0uint (usint_kind)
typedef usint1 (i:int) = g1uint (usint_kind, i)
stadef usint = usint1 // 2nd-select
stadef usint = usint0 // 1st-select
(unsigned) size and signed size types:
tkindef size_kind = "atstype_size"
typedef size0_t = g0uint size_kind
typedef size1_t (i:int) = g1uint (size_kind, i)
stadef size_t = size1_t // 2nd-select
stadef size_t = size0_t // 1st-select
typedef Size = [i:int | 0 <= i] g1uint (size_kind, i)
typedef Size_t = Size
typedef sizeLt (n:int) = g1uintLt (size_kind, n)
typedef sizeLte (n:int) = g1uintLte (size_kind, n)
typedef sizeGt (n:int) = g1uintGt (size_kind, n)
typedef sizeGte (n:int) = g1uintGte (size_kind, n)
typedef sizeBtw (lb:int, ub:int) = g1uintBtw (size_kind, lb, ub)
typedef sizeBtwe (lb:int, ub:int) = g1uintBtwe (size_kind, lb, ub)
typedef sizeof_t (a:viewt@ype) = size_t (sizeof (a?))
abst@ype atstype_size // internal use
tkindef ssize_kind = "atstype_ssize"
typedef ssize0_t = g0int ssize_kind
typedef ssize1_t (i:int) = g1int (ssize_kind, i)
stadef ssize_t = ssize1_t // 2nd-select
stadef ssize_t = ssize0_t // 1st-select
typedef Ssize = [i:int | 0 <= i] g1int (ssize_kind, i)
typedef Ssize_t = Ssize
typedef ssizeLt (n:int) = g1intLt (ssize_kind, n)
typedef ssizeLte (n:int) = g1intLte (ssize_kind, n)
typedef ssizeGt (n:int) = g1intGt (ssize_kind, n)
typedef ssizeGte (n:int) = g1intGte (ssize_kind, n)
typedef ssizeBtw (lb:int, ub:int) = g1intBtw (ssize_kind, lb, ub)
typedef ssizeBtwe (lb:int, ub:int) = g1intBtwe (ssize_kind, lb, ub)
abst@ype atstype_ssize // internal use
8, 16, 32, 64-bit signed and unsigned integers:
tkindef int8_kind = "atstype_int8"
typedef int8_0 = g0int (int8_kind)
typedef int8_1 (i:int) = g1int (int8_kind, i)
stadef int8 = int8_1 // 2nd-select
stadef int8 = int8_0 // 1st-select
stadef Int8 = [i:int] int8_1 i
tkindef uint8_kind = "atstype_uint8"
typedef uint8_0 = g0uint (uint8_kind)
typedef uint8_1 (i:int) = g1uint (uint8_kind, i)
stadef uint8 = uint8_1 // 2nd-select
stadef uint8 = uint8_0 // 1st-select
stadef uInt8 = [i:nat] uint8_1 i
tkindef int16_kind = "atstype_int16"
typedef int16_0 = g0int (int16_kind)
typedef int16_1 (i:int) = g1int (int16_kind, i)
stadef int16 = int16_1 // 2nd-select
stadef int16 = int16_0 // 1st-select
stadef Int16 = [i:int] int16_1 i
tkindef uint16_kind = "atstype_uint16"
typedef uint16_0 = g0uint (uint16_kind)
typedef uint16_1 (i:int) = g1uint (uint16_kind, i)
stadef uint16 = uint16_1 // 2nd-select
stadef uint16 = uint16_0 // 1st-select
stadef uInt16 = [i:nat] uint16_1 i
tkindef int32_kind = "atstype_int32"
typedef int32_0 = g0int (int32_kind)
typedef int32_1 (i:int) = g1int (int32_kind, i)
stadef int32 = int32_1 // 2nd-select
stadef int32 = int32_0 // 1st-select
stadef Int32 = [i:int] int32_1 i
tkindef uint32_kind = "atstype_uint32"
typedef uint32_0 = g0uint (uint32_kind)
typedef uint32_1 (i:int) = g1uint (uint32_kind, i)
stadef uint32 = uint32_1 // 2nd-select
stadef uint32 = uint32_0 // 1st-select
stadef uInt32 = [i:nat] uint32_1 i
tkindef int64_kind = "atstype_int64"
typedef int64_0 = g0int (int64_kind)
typedef int64_1 (i:int) = g1int (int64_kind, i)
stadef int64 = int64_1 // 2nd-select
stadef int64 = int64_0 // 1st-select
stadef Int64 = [i:int] int64_1 i
tkindef uint64_kind = "atstype_uint64"
typedef uint64_0 = g0uint (uint64_kind)
typedef uint64_1 (i:int) = g1uint (uint64_kind, i)
stadef uint64 = uint64_1 // 2nd-select
stadef uint64 = uint64_0 // 1st-select
stadef uInt64 = [i:nat] uint64_1 i
floats, doubles, long doubles:
tkindef float_kind = "atstype_float"
typedef float = g0float (float_kind)
tkindef double_kind = "atstype_double"
typedef double = g0float (double_kind)
tkindef ldouble_kind = "atstype_ldouble"
typedef ldouble = g0float (ldouble_kind)
unindexed type for pointers:
tkindef ptr_kind = "atstype_ptrk"
abstype ptr_type = tkind_type ptr_kind
abstype ptr_addr_type (l:addr) = ptr_type
typedef ptr = ptr_type
typedef ptr (l:addr) = ptr_addr_type l
typedef ptr (n:int) = ptr_addr_type (addr_of_int n) // "experiment"
typedef Ptr = [l:addr] ptr l
typedef Ptr0 = [l:agez] ptr l
typedef Ptr1 = [l:addr | null < l] ptr l
typedef Ptrnull (l:addr) = [l1:addr | l1 == null || l1 == l] ptr l1
persistent read-only strings:
abstype string_type = ptr
abstype string_int_type (n:int) = string_type
stadef string0 = string_type
stadef string1 = string_int_type
stadef string = string1 // 2nd-select
stadef string = string0 // 1nd-select
typedef String = [n:int] string_int_type n
typedef String0 = [n:int | 0 <= n] string_int_type n
typedef String1 = [n:int | 1 <= n] string_int_type n
??? FIXME:
abstype stropt_int_type = ptr
typedef stropt (n:int) = stropt_int_type n
typedef stropt = [n:int] stropt_int_type n
typedef Stropt = [n:int] stropt_int_type n
typedef Stropt0 = [n:int] stropt_int_type n
typedef Stropt1 = [n:int 0 <= n] stropt_int_type n
linear mutable strings:
absviewtype strptr_addr_vtype (l:addr) = ptr
viewtypedef strptr (l:addr) = strptr_addr_vtype l
viewtypedef strptr = [l:addr] strptr l
viewtypedef Strptr = [l:addr] strptr l
viewtypedef Strptr0 = [l:addr] strptr l
viewtypedef Strptr1 = [l:addr | null < l] strptr l
absviewtype strnptr_addr_int_vtype (l:addr, n:int) = ptr
viewtypedef strnptr (l:addr, n:int) = strnptr_addr_int_vtype (l, n)
viewtypedef strnptr (n:int) = [l:addr] strnptr_addr_int_vtype (l, n)
viewtypedef Strnptr = [l:addr; n:int] strnptr (l, n)
viewtypedef Strnptr0 = [l:addr; n:int] strnptr (l, n)
viewtypedef Strnptr1 = [l:addr; n:int | 0 <= n] strnptr (l, n)
persistent mutable strings:
abstype strref_addr_type (l:addr) = ptr
stadef strref = strref_addr_type
typedef Strref0 = [l:addr] strref l
typedef Strref1 = [l:addr | null < l] strref l
abst@ype atsvoid_t0ype
typedef void = atsvoid_t0ype
absviewtype exception_vtype = $extype"atstype_exnconptr"
viewtypedef exn = exception_vtype
opt-type (disjunctive views):
absviewt@ype opt_vt0ype_bool_vt0ype (a:vt@ype+, opt:bool) = a
stadef opt = opt_vt0ype_bool_vt0ype
closure functions:
abstype cloref_t0ype_type (a:t@ype) = ptr
stadef cloref = cloref_t0ype_type
absviewtype cloptr_vt0ype_vtype (a:t@ype) = ptr
stadef cloptr = cloptr_v0type_vtype
viewtypedef cloptr0 = cloptr_vt0ype_vtype(void)
"stamps" FIXME:
typedef stamped_t (a:t@ype) = [x:int] stamped_t (a, x)
viewtypedef stamped_vt (a:viewt@ype) = [x:int] stamped_vt (a, x)
memory deallocation with and without GC:
absview mfree_gc_addr_view (addr)
absview mfree_ngc_addr_view (addr)
absview mfree_libc_addr_view (addr) // libc-mfree
stadef mfree_gc_v = mfree_gc_addr_view
stadef mfree_ngc_v = mfree_ngc_addr_view
stadef mfree_libc_v = mfree_libc_addr_view
absviewt@ype arrpsz_vt0ype_int_vt0ype (a:viewt@ype+, n:int) =
stadef arrpsz = arrpsz_vt0ype_int_vt0ype
absprop vbox_view_prop (v:view)
propdef vbox (v:view) = vbox_view_prop v
abstype ref_vt0ype_type (a:viewt@ype) = ptr
typedef ref (a:viewt@ype) = ref_vt0ype_type a
view changes:
viewdef vtakeout (v1:view, v2:view) = (v2, v2 -<lin,prf> v1)
viewdef vtakeout0 (v:view) = vtakeout (void, v)
viewtypedef vttakeout (vt1:viewt@ype, vt2:viewt@ype) =
(vt2 -<lin,prf> vt1 | vt2)
viewtypedef vttakeout0 (vt:viewt@ype) = vttakeout (void, vt)
viewtypedef vtakeoutptr (a:viewt@ype) =
[l:addr] (a@l, a@l -<lin,prf> void | ptr l)
linear strings ???:
viewtypedef vstrptr (l:addr) = vttakeout0 (strptr l)
viewtypedef vStrptr0 = [l:agez] vstrptr l
viewtypedef vStrptr1 = [l:addr | null < l] vstrptr l
typedef bottom_t0ype_uni = {a:t@ype} a
typedef bottom_t0ype_exi = [a:t@ype | false] a
viewtypedef bottom_vt0ype_uni = {a:viewt@ype} a
viewtypedef bottom_vt0ype_exi = [a:viewt@ype | false] a
, cmpref
??? FIXME:
typedef cmpval_fun (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<fun> int
typedef cmpval_funenv (a:t@ype, vt:t@ype) = (a, a, !vt) -<fun> int
stadef cmpval = cmpval_fun
stadef cmpval = cmpval_funenv
typedef cmpref_fun (a:viewt@ype) = (&RD a, &RD a) -<fun> int
typedef cmpref_funenv (a:viewt@ype, vt:viewt@ype) =
(&RD a, &RD a, !vt) -<fun> int
stadef cmpref = cmpref_fun
stadef cmpref = cmpref_funenv
lazy evaluation:
abstype lazy_t0ype_type (t@ype+) = ptr
typedef lazy (a:t@ype) = lazy_t0ype_type a
abstype lazy_vt0ype_vtype (viewt@ype+) = ptr
viewtypedef lazy_vt (a:viewt@ype) = lazy_vt0ype_vtype a
abst@ype undefined_t0ype = $extype"atstype_undefined"
absviewt@ype undefined_vt0ype = $extype"atstype_undefined"
compiler version:
fun patsopt_version() : string = "mac#%"
some sort aliases:
sortdef t0p = t@ype
sortdef vt0p = viewt@ype
datatype for viewtypes ???:
datatype TYPE (a:viewt@ype) = TYPE a of ()
#define true true_bool
#define false false_bool
val true_bool : bool(true) = "mac#atsbool_true" // = 1
val false_bool : bool(false) = "mac#atsbool_false" // = 0
type comparison:
typedef compopr_type (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<fun0> bool
typedef compare_type (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<fun0> int // -/0/+
false implies all:
prfun false_elim { X:prop | false } () : X
subclass proof axioms:
praxi lemma_subcls_reflexive {c:cls} () : [c <= c] void
praxi lemma_subcls_transitive {c1,c2,c3:cls | c1 <= c2; c2 <= c3}
() : [c1 <= c3] void
integer, addr/ptr, bool proof axiom and operation props:
praxi praxi_int {i:int} () : int i
praxi praxi_ptr {l:addr} () : ptr l
praxi praxi_bool {b:bool} () : bool l
dataprop EQINT (int, int)
dataprop EQADDR (addr, addr)
dataprop EQBOOL (bool, bool)
dataprop EQTYPE (viewt@ype, viewt@ype)
dataprop SGN (int, int)
dataprop MUL_prop (int, int, int)
absprop DIVMOD (x:int, y:int, q:int, r:int)
propdef MUL (m:int, n:int, mn:int) = MUL_prop (m,n,mn)
propdef DIV (x:int, y:int, q:int) = [r:int] DIVMOD (x,y,q,r)
propdef MOD (x:int, y:int, r:int) = [q:int] DIVMOD (x,y,q,r)
prfun eqint_make { x,y:int | x == y } () : EQINT(x,y)
prfun eqint_make_gint {tk:tkind} {x:int}
(x : g1int(tk,x)) : [y:int] EQINT(x,y)
prfun eqint_make_guint {tk:tkind} {x:int}
(x : g1uint(tk,x)) : [y:int] EQINT(x,y)
prfun eqaddr_make { x,y:addr | x == y } () : EQADDR(x,y)
prfun eqaddr_make_ptr { x:addr }
(x:ptr x) : [y:addr] EQADDR(x,y)
prfun eqbool_make { x,y:bool | x == y } () : EQBOOL(x,y)
prfun eqbool_make_bool {x:bool}
(x : bool x) : [y:bool] EQBOOL(x,y)
more proof stuff:
prfun prop_verify { b:bool | b } () :<prf> void
prfun prop_verify_and_add { b:bool | b } () :<prf> [b] void
prfun pridentity_v {v:view} (x:!INV v) : void
prfun pridentity_vt {v:viewt@ype} (x:!INV vt) : void
some linear memory stuff:
castfn viewptr_match {a:viewt@ype} { l1,l2:addr | l1==l2 }
(pf:INV(a)@l1 | p:ptr l2) :<> [l:addr | l==l1] (a@l | ptr l)
val {a:viewt@ype} sizeof : size_t (sizeof a)
praxi lemma_sizeof {a:viewt@ype} () : [0 <= sizeof a] void
praxi topize {a:t@ype} (x:!INV a >> a?) : void
castfn dataget {a:viewt@ype} (x:!INV a >> a) : a?!
return pf
to GC:
praxi mfree_gc_v_elim {l:addr} (pf:mfree_gc_v l) :<prf> void
more GC:
praxi mfree_gcngc_v_nullify {l:addr}
(pf1:mfree_gc_v l, pf1:mfree_ngc_v l) : void
fun cloptr_free {a:t@ype} (pclo:cloptr a) :<!wrt> void = "mac#%"
lazy force (internally assumed to overload !
), lazy-to-cloref:
fun {a:t@ype} lazy_force (lazyval:lazy (INV a)) :<!laz> a
fun {a:viewt@ype} lazy_vt_force (lazyval:lazy_vt (INV a)) :<!all> a
fun lazy2cloref {a:t@ype} (lazy a) : () -<cloref1> a = "mac#%"
stamp functions:
castfn stamp_t {a:t@ype} (x:a) :<> stamped_t a
castfn stamp_vt {a:viewt@ype} (x:a) :<> stamped_vt a
castfn unstamp_t {a:t@ype} {x:int} (x:stamped_t (INV a, x)) :<> a
castfn unstamp_vt{a:viewt@ype}{x:int} (x:stamped_vt (INV a, x)) :<> a
castfn stamped_t2vt {a:t@ype}{x:int} (x:stamped_t (INV a, x))
:<> stamped_vt (a,x)
castfn stamped_vt2t {a:t@ype}{x:int} (x:stamped_vt (INV a, x))
:<> stamped_t (a,x)
fun {a:t@ype} stamped_vt2t_ref{x:int} (x:&stamped_vt(INV a, x))
:<> stamped_t (a,x)
copy env (something to do with view changes ??? FIXME):
praxi vcopyenv_v_decode
{v:view} (x:vcopyenv_v v) : vtakeout0 v
praxi vcopyenv_vt_decode
{v:viewt@ype} (x:vcopyenv_vt vt) : vttakeout0 vt
overload decode with vcopyenv_v_decode
overload decode with vcopyenv_vt_decode
the null pointer:
val the_null_ptr : ptr null = "mac#the_atsptr_null"
addr and string param lemmas:
praxi lemma_addr_param {l:addr} () : [null <= l] void
praxi lemma_string_param {n:int} (x:string n) : [0 <= n] void
praxi lemma_stropt_param {n:int} (x:stropt n) : [~1 <= n] void
exception AssertExn // assertion failure
exception NotFoundExn // expected not found
exception GenerallyExn of (string) // unspecified cause
exception IllegalArgExn of (string) // function arg out of domain
praxi __vfree_exn (x:exn) :<> void // free nullary exception-con
unit types:
datatype unit = unit
dataprop unit_p = unit_p
dataview unit_v = unit_v
dataviewtype unit_vt = unit_vt
prfun unit_v_elim (pf:unit_v) : void
abstype boxed_t0ype_type (a:t@ype+) = unit
absviewtype boxed_vt0ype_vtype (a:viewt@ype+) = unit
viewtypedef boxed (a:viewt@ype) = boxed_vt0ype_vtype a
viewtypedef boxed_vt (a:viewt@ype) = boxed_vt0ype_vtype a
typedef boxed (a:t@ype) = boxed_t0ype_type a
typedef boxed_t (a:t@ype) = boxed_t0ype_type a
fun {a:type} box : (INV a) -> boxed_t a
fun {a:type} unbox : boxed_t (INV a) -> a
fun {a:viewtype} box_vt : (INV a) -> boxed_vt a
fun {a:viewtype} unbox_vt : boxed_vt (INV a) -> a
typedef array (a, n) = @[a][n]
viewdef array_v (a:viewt@ype, l:addr, n:int) = @[a][n] @ l
absviewtype arrayptr_vt0ype_addr_int_vtype
(a:viewt@ype+, l:addr, n:int) = ptr l
abstype arrayref_vt0ype_int_type
(a:viewt@ype, n:int) = ptr
abstype arrszref_vt0ype_type
(a:viewt@ype) = ptr
stadef arrayptr = arrayptr_vt0ype_addr_int_vtype
viewtypdef arrayptr
(a:viewt@ype, n:int) = [l:addr] arrayptr (a, l, n)
stadef arrayref = arrayref_vt0ype_int_type
stadef arrszref = arrszref_vt0ype_type
functional, singly-linked lists:
datatype list_t0ype_int_type (a:t@ype+, int)
stadef list = list_t0ype_int_type
typedef List (a:t@ype) = [n:int] list (a,n)
typedef List0 (a:t@ype) = [n:int | 0 <= n] list (a,n)
typedef List1 (a:t@ype) = [n:int | 1 <= n] list (a,n)
typedef listLt (a:t@ype, n:int) = [k:int | k < n] list (a,k)
typedef listLte (a:t@ype, n:int) = [k:int | k <= n] list (a,k)
typedef listGt (a:t@ype, n:int) = [k:int | n < k] list (a,k)
typedef listGte (a:t@ype, n:int) = [k:int | n <= k] list (a,k)
typedef listBtw (a:t@ype, m:int, n:int) =
[k:int | m < k, k < n] list (a,k)
typedef listBtwe (a:t@ype, m:int, n:int) =
[k:int | m <= k, k <= n] list (a,k)
linear, singly-linked lists:
datatype list_vt0ype_int_vtype (a:viewt@ype+, int)
stadef list_vt = list_vt0ype_int_vtype
viewtypedef List_vt (a:viewt@ype) = [n:int] list_vt (a,n)
viewtypedef List_vt (a:viewt@ype)
= [n:int] list_vt (a,n)
viewtypedef List0_vt (a:viewt@ype)
= [n:int | 0 <= n] list_vt (a,n)
viewtypedef List1_vt (a:viewt@ype)
= [n:int | 1 <= n] list_vt (a,n)
viewtypedef listLt_vt (a:viewt@ype, n:int)
= [k:int | k < n] list_vt (a,k)
viewtypedef listLte_vt (a:viewt@ype, n:int)
= [k:int | k <= n] list_vt (a,k)
viewtypedef listGt_vt (a:viewt@ype, n:int)
= [k:int | n < k] list_vt (a,k)
viewtypedef listGte_vt (a:viewt@ype, n:int)
= [k:int | n <= k] list_vt (a,k)
viewtypedef listBtw_vt (a:viewt@ype, m:int, n:int)
= [k:int | m < k; k < n] list_vt (a,k)
viewtypedef listBtwe_vt (a:viewt@ype, m:int, n:int)
= [k:int | m <= k; k <= n] list_vt (a,k)
datatype stream_con (a:t@ype+)
datatype stream_vt_con (a:viewt@ype+)
datatype option_t0ype_bool_type (a:t@ype+, bool)
dataviewtype option_vt0ype_bool_vtype (a:viewt@ype+, bool)
stadef option = option_t0ype_bool_type
stadef option_vt = option_vt0ype_bool_type
typedef Option (a:t@ype) = [b:bool] option (a,b)
typedef Option_vt (a:viewt@ype) = [b:bool] option_vt (a,b)
disjunctive views:
praxi opt_some
{a:viewt@ype} (x:!INV a >> opt (a,true)) :<prf> void
praxi opt_unsome
{a:viewt@ype} (x:!opt (INV a,true) >> a) :<prf> void
praxi opt_none
{a:viewt@ype} (x:!(a?) >> opt (a,false)) :<prf> void
praxi opt_unnone
{a:viewt@ype} (x:!opt (INV a,false) >> a?) :<prf> void
praxi opt_clear
{a:t@ype} {b:bool} (x:!opt (INV a,b) >> a?) :<prf> void
fun {a:viewt@ype} opt_unsome_get (x:&opt (INV a, true) >> a?) : a
option and or ("either") for props and views:
dataprop or_prop_prop_int_prop (a0:prop+, a1:prop+, int)
dataview or_view_view_int_view (a0:view+, a1:view+, int)
dataprop option_prop_bool_prop (a:prop+, bool)
dataview option_view_bool_view (a:view+, bool)
stadef por = or_prop_prop_int_prop
stadef vor = or_view_view_int_view
stadef option_p = option_prop_bool_prop
stadef option_v = option_view_bool_view
absviewt@ype arrayopt (a:viewt@ype, n:int, b:bool) = array (a,n)
praxi arrayopt_some {a:viewt@ype} {n:int}
(A : &array (a,n) >> arrayopt (a,n,true)) : void
praxi arrayopt_none {a:viewt@ype} {n:int}
(A : &array (a?,n) >> arrayopt (a,n,false)) : void
praxi arrayopt_unsome {a:viewt@ype} {n:int}
(A : &arrayopt (a,n,true) >> array (a,n)) : void
praxi arrayopt_unnone {a:viewt@ype} {n:int}
(A : &arrayopt (a,n,false) >> array (a?,n)) : void
main function, args, exit:
absviewtype argv_int_vtype (n:int) = ptr
stadef argv = argv_int_vtype
praxi lemma_argv_param {n:int} (argv:!argv n) : [0 <= n] void
fun argv_get_at {n:int} (argv:!argv n, i:natLt n) :<> string = "mac#%"
fun argv_set_at {n:int} (argv:!argv n, i:natLt n, x:string) :<!wrt> string = "mac#%"
fun {} listize_argc_argv {n:int} (argc:int n, argv:!argv n) : list_vt (string,n)
fun main_void_0 () : void = "ext#mainats_void_0"
fun main_argc_argv_0 {n:int | 1 <= n} (argc:int n, argv:!argv n) : void = "ext#mainats_argc_argv_0"
fun main_void_int () : int = "ext#mainats_void_int"
fun main_argc_argv_int {n:int | 1 <= n} (argc:int n, argv:!argv n) : int = "ext#mainats_argc_argv_int"
fun main_argc_argv_envp_int {n:int | 1 <= n} (argc:int n, argv!argv n, envp:ptr) : int = "ext#mainats_argc_argv_envp_int"
symintr main0
symintr main
overload [] with argv_get_at
overload [] with argv_set_at
overload main0 with main_void_0
overload main0 with main_argc_argv_0
overload main with main_void_int
overload main with main_argc_argv_int
overload main with main_argc_argv_envp_int
fun exit (ecode:int) :<!exn> {a:t@ype} a = "mac#%"
fun exit_errmsg (ecode:int, msg:string) :<!exn> {a:t@ype} a = "mac#%"
fun exit_void (ecode:int) :<!exn> void = "mac#%"
fun exit_errmsg_void (ecode:int, msg:string) :<!exn> void = "mac#%"
fun assert_bool0 (x:bool) :<!exn> void = "mac#%"
fun assert_bool1 {b:bool} (x:bool b) :<!exn> [b] void = "mac#%"
fun {} assertexn_bool0 (x:bool) :<!exn> void = "mac#%"
fun {} assertexn_bool1 {b:bool} (x:bool b) :<!exn> [b] void = "mac#%"
fun assert_errmsg_bool0
(x:bool, msg:string) :<!exn> void = "mac#%"
fun assert_errmsg_bool1
{b:bool} (x:bool b, msg:string) :<!exn> [b] void = "mac#%"
fun assert_errmsg2_bool0
(x:bool, msg1:string, msg2:string) :<!exn> void = "mac#%"
fun assert_errmsg2_bool1
{b:bool} (x:bool b, msg1:string, msg2:string) :<!exn> [b] void = "mac#%"
symintr assertexn
symintr assert_errmsg
symintr assert_errmsg2
overload assert with assert_bool0 of 0
overload assert with assert_bool1 of 10
overload assertexn with assertexn_bool0 of 0
overload assertexn with assertexn_bool1 of 10
overload assert_errmsg with assert_errmsg_bool0 of 0
overload assert_errmsg with assert_errmsg_bool1 of 10
overload assert_errmsg2 with assert_errmsg2_bool0 of 0
overload assert_errmsg2 with assert_errmsg2_bool1 of 10
datasort file_mode = file_mode_r | file_mode_w | file_mode_rw
abstype file_mode (file_mode) = string
typedef file_mode = [fm:file_mode] file_mode fm
sortdef fmode = file_mode
typedef fmode (fm:mode) = file_mode fm
typedef fmode = file_mode
dataprop file_mode_lte (fmode, fmode)
prval file_mode_lte_r_r
: file_mode_lte (file_mode_r(), file_mode_r())
prval file_mode_lte_w_w
: file_mode_lte (file_mode_w(), file_mode_w())
prval file_mode_lte_rw_rw
: file_mode_lte (file_mode_rw(), file_mode_rw())
abstype FILEref_type = ptr
typedef FILEref = FILEref_type
typedef print_type (a:t@ype) = (a) -> void
typedef prerr_type (a:t@ype) = (a) -> void
typedef fprint_type (a:t@ype) = (FILEref, a) -> void
typedef print_vtype (a:viewt@ype) = !a -> void
typedef prerr_vtype (a:viewt@ype) = !a -> void
typedef fprint_vtype (a:viewt@ype) = (FILEref, !a) -> void
fun print_newline () : void = "mac#%"
fun prerr_newline () : void = "mac#%"
fun fprint_newline (out:FILEref) : void = "mac#%"
fun {a:t@ype} gidentity (x:INV a) :<> a
fun {a:viewt@ype} gidentity_vt (x:INV a) :<> a
fun {a:t@ype} gcopy_val (x:INV a) :<> a
fun {a:viewt@ype} gcopy_ref (x:INV a) :<!wrt> a
fun {a:viewt@ype} gfree_val (x:INV a) :<!wrt> void
fun {a:viewt@ype} ginit_ref (x:&a? >> a) :<!wrt> void
fun {a:viewt@ype} gclear_ref (x:&a >> a?) :<!wrt> void
fun {a:t@ype} gequal_val_val (x:a, y:a) :<> void
fun {a:viewt@ype} gequal_ref_ref (x:&INV a, y:&a) :<> bool
fun {a:t@ype} tostring_val (x:a) :<> string
fun {a:viewt@ype} tostring_ref (x:&INV a) :<> string
fun {a:t@ype} tostrptr_val (x:a) :<!wrt> Strptr1
fun {a:viewt@ype} tostrptr_ref (x:&INV a) :<!wrt> Strptr1
fun {a:t@ype} fprint_val (out:FILEref, x:a) : void
fun {a:viewt@ype} fprint_ref (out:FILEref, x:&INV a) : void
fun {src:viewt@ype} {elt:viewt@ype}
streamize_val (source:src) : stream_vt elt