Function rs_utils::file::is_file [] [src]

pub fn is_file(file_path: &Path) -> Result<bool, Error>

If this returns true then std::fs::File::create will not fail with "is a directory" error.

This is not the same as std::path::Path::is_file which also tests whether the file actually exists.


assert!(is_file (Path::new ("path/to/file")).unwrap());
assert!(!is_file (Path::new ("path/to/directory/")).unwrap());
assert!(!is_file (Path::new ("..")).unwrap());


use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
let garbage = [192u8, 192u8, 192u8, 192u8];
let garbage_path = Path::new (OsStr::from_bytes (&garbage));
let e = is_file (&garbage_path).err().unwrap();
assert_eq!(e.kind(), ErrorKind::InvalidInput);
assert_eq!(e.description(), "not valid unicode");